
English below
Nicolai er bl.a. stemmepædagog og ivrig deltager i de mange queertangoarrangementer, der afholdes rundt omkring i Europa.
Der undervises disse dage:
Søndag den 10. marts 12.00-13.30 INTRO!
Søndag den 10. marts 13.30-16.00
Lørdag den 16. marts 13.00-16.00
Søndag den 24. marts 13.00-16.00
Lørdag den 6. april kl 13.00-16.00
Lørdag den 13. april kl. 13.00-16.00
Lørdag den 20. april kl 13.00-16.00
Efter undervisningen, der varer ca. halvanden time, er der practica, hvor man kan øve sig med de andre deltagere og underviserne. Der er også kop kaffe og te i sofahjørnet.
Undervisningen afholdes i
LGBT+ Medborgerhuset
Vestergade 18E, 2. sal
( Læs LGBT+ Medborgerhusets Adfærdskodeks)
Porten til gården skulle gerne være åben, men er den mod forventning låst, kan du bruge porten til nr. 20. Koden er 6355#
Når du forlader gården efter workshoppen, kan porten være lukket. Der er udtryk midt i portbygningen ved nr. 20.
Det er en god idé at have indesko, dansesko eller tykke sokker med, så du ikke står for fast på gulvet.
Hvis du har spørgsmål inden workshoppen, er du velkommen til at kontakte os.
Hjalte og Nicolai (tlf: 26204716)
Bringing queer people to tango
and tango to queer people.
More about Queertango:
Queertango takes its starting point in Argentine tango, which is an improvised couple dance.
Queer tango dancers often use to switch between the leader and follower roles.
We strive and encourage all participants at our events that each meeting with another person is based on mutual adaptation and on valuing the other regardless of gender, age, body type, sexual orientation or dance level.
If you have a disability (e.g. impaired vision, hearing or other), you are also very welcome to participate. You may want to contact us in advance if you would like to hear more about the possibilities or if there are special considerations we need to take.
More about the teachers:
Hjalte is educated in, among other things, sports and also teaches Tango Sprouts, an association for tango dancers under the age of 30.
Nicolai is, among other things, a voice educator and an avid participant in the many queertango events held around Europe.
Classes are being held these days:
Sunday, March 10, 12:00-13:30 INTRO!
Sunday, March 10, 13:30-16:00
Saturday, March 16, 13:00-16:00
Sunday, March 24, 13:00-16:00
Saturday, April 6, 13:00-16:00
Saturday, April 13, 13:00-16:00
Saturday, April 20, 13:00-16:00
After the approximately one and a half hour lesson, there will be a practica where you can practice with other participants and instructors. There will also be coffee and tea in the lounge area.
The lessons will take place at:
LGBT+ Medborgerhuset
Vestergade 18E, 2nd floor
(Read the LGBT+ Citizen House’s Code of Conduct)
The gate to the courtyard should be open, but if, unexpectedly, it is locked, you can use the gate at number 20. The code is 6355#.
When leaving the courtyard after the workshop, the gate may be closed. There is a door switch in the middle of the gate building at number 20.
It’s a good idea to bring indoor shoes, dance shoes, or thick socks so you don’t stick to the floor.
If you have any questions before the workshop, feel free to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you!
Best regards,
Hjalte and Nicolai (phone: 26204716)
Bringing queer people to tango
and tango to queer people.