Manifesto Writing Zine Workshop

Manifesto Writing Zine Workshop
We are hosting a Manifesto Writing Zine Workshop at the café. At this workshop we will write mini manifestos and turn them into beautiful zines!
A zine is a self-published and distributed magazine rising from the feminist, punk and activist movements of the 1980s.
No previous experience or materials necessary, we will bring everything so just show up for a cosy workshop.
The workshop is facilitated by Haena Laura Na and Janna Aldaraji.
Haena is a journalist and community organizer. She’s currently a part of Queers Against Occupation and Genocide and different associations that works with representation of minorities in the media industry and cultural field. She’s excited about using propaganda and visual media as means to make a social change.
Janna is a researcher, organiser, and lover of zines. She is interested in self-publishing, and its potential to challenge who gets to make and distribute knowledge. She co-founded Venom Zine Library, a platform for DIY self-publications and a physical collection of zines made by BIPOCs.