Linoleumstryk workshop

Linoleumstryk workshop
*English below
Om workshoppen:
Kom til linoleumstryk workshop og lær at lave dit eget tryk, som du kan få med hjem.
Kom til linoleumstryk workshop og lær at lave dit eget tryk, som du kan få med hjem.
Vi skal lære de grundlæggende teknikker helt fra første skitse på linoleumspladen, til at rulle sværte ud og lave selve trykket på papiret.
Alle kan være med uanset om du har prøvet at lave linoleumstryk eller ej. Alle er velkommen.
Hvis du allerede nu har en idé til et motiv du gerne vil arbejde med, må du endelig tage det med.
Workshoppen er gratis og vi har materialer. Har du dit eget værktøj eller linoleumsplader skal du dog være mere end velkomment til at tage det med.
Workshoppen vil blive faciliteret på engelsk og dansk efter behov.
Workshoppen vil blive faciliteret på engelsk og dansk efter behov.
Hvem holder workshoppen?
Workshoppen vil blive faciliteret af Alex Delamare (de/dem), som tidligere har arbejdet i LGBT+ Danmark, men som vi nu er glade for at have tilbage til at undervise i linoleumstryk.
Workshoppen vil blive faciliteret af Alex Delamare (de/dem), som tidligere har arbejdet i LGBT+ Danmark, men som vi nu er glade for at have tilbage til at undervise i linoleumstryk.
Læs om tilgængelighed her: Om LGBT+ Medborgerhuset – Medborgerhuset
Obs. Hvis du skal benytte elevator kontakt da Kamille inden på eller tlf 60620869. Man skal nemlig bruge en nøgle til elevatoren, så det er vigtigt at vi ved besked på forhånd.
Kamille, mail:
Kamille, mail:
About the workshop:
Come to the linoleum printing workshop and learn how to make your own print, which you can take home.
We will learn the basic techniques from the first sketch on the linoleum plate, to unrolling the ink and making the actual print on the paper.
Come to the linoleum printing workshop and learn how to make your own print, which you can take home.
We will learn the basic techniques from the first sketch on the linoleum plate, to unrolling the ink and making the actual print on the paper.
Everyone can participate, whether you have tried to make linoleum prints or not. Everyone is welcome.
If you already have an idea for a motif you would like to work with, please bring it along.
If you already have an idea for a motif you would like to work with, please bring it along.
The workshop is free, and we have materials. However, if you have your own tools or linoleum sheets, you should be more than welcome to bring it.
The workshop will be facilitated in English and Danish depending on needs.
The workshop will be facilitated in English and Danish depending on needs.
Who is hosting the workshop?
The workshop will be facilitated by Alex Delamare (they/them), who has previously worked in LGBT+ Denmark, but who we are now happy to have back to teach linoleum printing.
The workshop will be facilitated by Alex Delamare (they/them), who has previously worked in LGBT+ Denmark, but who we are now happy to have back to teach linoleum printing.
Read about accessibility here: Om LGBT+ Medborgerhuset – Medborgerhuset
Read about accessibility here: Om LGBT+ Medborgerhuset – Medborgerhuset
Note: If you need to use an elevator, please contact Kamille at or phone 60620869. You need a key for the elevator, so it is important that we know in advance.