Queer Meditation

Queer Meditation

Queer Meditation 06 SeptemberSep 2023 19:0021:00Vestergade 18E, 2. sal, 1456 København K, Danmark

*Dette event vil foregå på engelsk og derfor er beskrivelsen også på engelsk.

QueerMeditations is a space for generating strength, connection and celebration of shared humanity among LBTQI+ community and our allies. In an open and non judgemental atmosphere it introduces ways to meet and nurture the spiritual side of our lives.
QM aims to create a safer space in order to explore our inner selves and connect with our mind and hearts. Each group session begins with a short introduction and continues with a guided mindfulness-awareness meditation.
We practice while sitting and in movement during a few short intervals.

QM is designed to welcome both: beginners and experienced practitioners. You don’t have to consider yourself good at meditating or a “calm person” to try!

QueerMeditations is led by Bartek Arobal Kociemba- a Polish visual artist and a meditation teacher. He/they has studied and practiced buddhist meditation since 2003 and began teaching it in 2008. In 2017 he formed the first QM group in Warsaw PL. He/they lives in Copenhagen with his/their fiancee Mikkel.