We are here and we are (new) here – for “nye” i vores community

We are here and we are (new) here – for “nye” i vores community
De første par gange du træder ind i et nyt fællesskab kan føles svære eller skræmmende. Derfor vil vi gerne gøre det let for dig at være en del af LGBT+ Danmark og møde andre queers. Det er ligemeget, om du lige har fundet ud af at du er en del af LGBTQIA+ paraplyen eller om du altid har vidst der. Om du allerede har besøgt LGBT+ Danmark eller aldrig har være til et af vores events eller sociale grupper før.
Alle er velkomne til vores event den 8. februar fra kl. 19. Lær andre queers at kende i et afslappet rum (og vær med til at spille spil/ryste sammen lege).
Vi glæder os til at se dig!
The first few times of visiting a new space can be difficult and scary. This is why we want to make it easy for you to start visiting LGBT+ Danmark and meeting other queer people. No matter whether you’ve only just discovered that you’re part of the LGBTQIA+ community or whether you’ve always known. No matter whether you’ve already visited LGBT+ Danmark or have never joined our events before.
The first few times of visiting a new space can be difficult and scary. This is why we want to make it easy for you to start visiting LGBT+ Danmark and meeting other queer people. No matter whether you’ve only just discovered that you’re part of the LGBTQIA+ community or whether you’ve always known. No matter whether you’ve already visited LGBT+ Danmark or have never joined our events before.
Everyone is welcome to come to our event on the 8th of February from 19:00 onwards.
Get to know other people in a relaxed atmosphere and get talking (or playing games).
We’d love to see you there!