Workshop: Queer Swingdance
Workshop: Queer Swingdance
*english below
På workshoppen får deltagerne mulighed for at have det sjovt og at prøve kræfter med swingdans. Swingdans er er partnerdans som opstod i det afro-amerikanske miljø i Harlem, New York i 1930’erne, som danses til swing musik (deraf navnet), og hvor der traditionelt blev danset i rollerne “lead” og “follow”. Workshoppen undervises dog ud fra ELEF-princippet (Everybody Leads, Everybody Follows), så man behøver ikke beslutte sig for en rolle, eller have en partner med til workshoppen.
Workshoppen henvender sig til alle, uanset tidligere erfaring med danse, da der sikkert vil være noget nyt at lære, og det er en god måde at møde nye mennesker på, da man skifter partnere undervejs. Hvis man dukker op med en kammerat, og er utryg ved at have fysisk kontakt med fremmede, kan man selvfølgelig undsige sig partnerskift.
Underviseren af workshoppen er Chott (hun/hende, de/dem) på 30 år, som har danset siden 2012, og har undervist i sin fritid igennem en årrække.
Workshoppen har tilmelding (som let kan afmeldes igen) så vi kan være sikre på, at der er plads til alle deltagerne i rummet. TILMELDING:
Workshoppen undervises på dansk eller engelsk, afhængigt af behov hos deltagerne.
Det er en god idé at medbringe lidt vand til undervejs, såvel som et par behagelige sko man kan bevæge sig i, f.eks. løbesko. Det er også en god idé med åndbart tøj, selvom dette ikke er et must. Der vil blive holdt en kort vandpause ca. halvvejs i workshoppen.
At the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to have fun and try their hand at swing dancing. Swing dance is a partner dance that originated in the African-American community of Harlem, New York in the 1930s, which is danced to swing music (hence the name), and where traditionally danced in the roles of “lead” and “follow”. However, the workshop is taught according to the ELEF principle (Everybody Leads, Everybody Follows), so you do not have to decide on a role or have a partner with you at the workshop.
The workshop is aimed at everyone, regardless of previous experience with dance, as there will probably be something new to learn, and it is a good way to meet new people, as you change partners along the way. If you show up with a friend and are uncomfortable having physical contact with strangers, you can of course avoid changing partners.
The teacher of the workshop is Chott (she/her, they/them) aged 30, who has been dancing since 2012 and has been teaching in her spare time for a number of years.
The workshop has registration (which can easily be unsubscribed again) so we can be sure that there is room for all the participants in the room. SIGN UP:
The workshop is taught in Danish or English, depending on the needs of the participants.
It is a good idea to bring some water along the way, as well as a pair of comfortable shoes you can move in, such as running shoes. Breathable clothing is also a good idea, although this is not a must. There will be a short water break about halfway through the workshop.